The power of the imagination in Lucy Montgomery’s "Anne of Green Gables" / par Sultan Bayar ; sous la direction de Jennifer Murray

Date :

Type : Livre / Book

Type : Thèse / Thesis

Langue / Language : français / French


Classification Dewey : 373

Murray, Jennifer (1963-....) (Responsable de l'équipe de recherche / research team head)

Université de Franche-Comté (1971-....) (Autre partenaire associé à la thèse / thesis associated third party)

Résumé / Abstract : This essay is based on the L.M. Montgomery’s novel "Anne of Green Gables". It focuses on the power of the imagination. The paper is mainly based on the character of Anne and how she uses her imagination as a tool. It also mentions fact that the readers imagination is both engaged and fed.