Beyond Spacetime : The Foundations of Quantum Gravity / edited by Nick Huggett,... Keizo Matsubara,... Christian Wüthrich,...

Date :

Type : Livre / Book

Langue / Language : anglais / English

ISBN : 978-1-108-47702-4

EAN : 9781108477024

Huggett, Nick (Directeur de publication / publishing director)

Relation : Beyond Spacetime : The Foundations of Quantum Gravity / Nick Huggett, Keizo Matsubara, Christian Wüthrich / Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2020

Résumé / Abstract : A collection of essays discussing the philosophy and foundations of quantum gravity. Written by leading philosophers and physicists in the field, chapters cover the important conceptual questions in the search for a quantum theory of gravity, and the current state of understanding among philosophers and physicists