Activists forever? : long-term impacts of political activism / edited by Olivier Fillieule,... Erik Neveu,...

Date :

Type : Livre / Book

Langue / Language : anglais / English

ISBN : 978-1-108-42872-9

ISBN : 1-108-42872-X

ISBN : 978-1-108-45094-2

ISBN : 1-108-45094-6

EAN : 9781108428729

Résistance politique

Mouvements contestataires

Militants politiques


France -- 1968 (Journées de mai)

Fillieule, Olivier (1965-.... ; politiste) (Editeur scientifique / editor)

Neveu, Érik (1952-....) (Editeur scientifique / editor)

Relation : Activists forever? : long-term impacts of political activism / edited by Olivier Fillieule and Erik Neveu / Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2018

Résumé / Abstract : La 4e de couverture indique : Activists Forever? explores the consequences of political involvement on an individual's life. While much of the research in this area has focused on the motivations of entire protests groups, the editors of this volume propose an approach that focuses on actors. This book examines political involvement's socio-biographical effects, or the ways in which political commitment generates or modifies dispositions to act, think, and perceive, in a way that is either consistent with or in contrast to the results of previous socialization. The contents explore what political involvement leads to rather than what causes involvement. Using a variety of case studies, this collection of essays provides global coverage with a focus on participation in major protests in the 1960s and significantly broadens our understanding by looking outside the United States. These essays look at the lasting effects of activists' knowledge, connections, and symbolic capital on their future participation in politics, as well as their personal and professional lives. Olivier Fillieule is a professor of political sociology at the Institute for Political, Historical and International Studies (IEPHI), research director at the CNRS (Paris 1-Sorbonne), and a member of CRAPUL (Research Center on Political Action, University of Lausanne). He has published Demonstrations (with D. Tartakowsky) and Social Movement Studies in Europe: A State of the Art (with G. Accornero). Erik Neveu is Professor of Political Science at Rennes University. He co-authored Introduction aux Cultural Studies (with A. Matterlart), the first French textbook supplying a comprehensive presentation of Anglophone cultural studies; and Bourdieu and the Journalistic Field (with R. Bension).