Religious minorities in Christian, Jewish and Muslim law (5th-15th centuries) / edited by = sous la direction de [sic] Nora Berend, Youna Hameau-Masset, Capucine Nemo-Pekelman and John Tolan

Date :

Type : Livre / Book

Langue / Language : anglais / English

Langue / Language : français / French

ISBN : 978-2-503-56571-2

EAN : 9782503565712

Dhimmī -- Statut juridique -- Europe -- Moyen âge

Dhimmī -- Statut juridique -- Afrique du Nord -- Moyen âge

Minorités religieuses -- Statut juridique -- Afrique du Nord -- Moyen âge

Minorités religieuses -- Statut juridique -- Europe -- Moyen âge

Berend, Nora (1966-....) (Directeur de publication / publishing director)

Masset, Youna (1985-....) (Directeur de publication / publishing director)

Nemo-Pekelman, Capucine (1973-.... ; juriste) (Directeur de publication / publishing director)

Tolan, John Victor (1959-....) (Directeur de publication / publishing director)

Collection : Religion and law in medieval christian and muslim societies / series editor John Tolan / Turnhout : Brepols , 2013-

Relation : Religious minorities in Christian, Jewish and Muslim law (5th-15th centuries) / edited by / sous la direction de [sic] : Nora Berend, Youna Hameau-Masset, Capucine Nemo-Pekelman and John Tolan / Turnhout : Brepols , 2017

Résumé / Abstract : "The fruit of a sustained and close collaboration between historians, linguists and jurists working on the Christian, Muslim and Jewish societies of the Middle Ages, this book explores the theme of religious coexistence (and the problems it poses) from a resolutely comparative perspective. The authors concentrate on a key aspect of this coexistence: the legal status attributed to Jews and Muslims in Christendom and to dhimmis in Islamic lands. To what extent are the rights of the minorities to reside in their communities distinct from, or similar, to those of the majority community? What role did the law play in the segregation of religious groups? In limiting, combating, or on the contrary justifying violence against them? What specific treatments and procedures in the courtroom were reserved for plaintiffs, defendants or witnesses belonging to religious minorities? Through these questions, and through the innovative comparative method applied to them, this book offers a fresh new synthesis to these questions and a spur to new research.", résumé éditeur