Journal of the statistical society / Royal statistical society

Date :

Editeur / Publisher : London : Stanford , 1838-1886

Type : Périodique / Serial

Langue / Language : anglais / English

Royal statistical society (GB) (Editeur scientifique / editor)

Relation : Journal of the Statistical Society / London : Stanford , 1838-1886

Résumé / Abstract : Originally called the Journal of the Statistical Society of London when founded in 1838 and renamed the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society when the Society was granted its Royal Charter in 1887, what is now known as Series A of the journal (Statistics in Society) is essentially a journal of general statistical interest. It publishes papers whose appeal lies in their subject-matter rather than their technical statistical content. Medical, social, educational, legal, demographic and governmental issues are of particular concern. The journal encourages serious statistical thinking on issues of importance to society, especially on substantive matters aimed at taking debate outside the confines of the statistical profession.