African arts / University of California, Los Angeles

Date :

Editeur / Publisher : Los Angeles : African Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles , ©1967-

Type : Périodique / Serial

Langue / Language : anglais / English

Art -- Afrique subsaharienne

Arts -- Afrique

Classification Dewey : 709.6

University of California (Los Angeles) (Directeur de publication / publishing director)

Relation : African arts / African Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles / Los Angeles : African Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles , 1967-

Résumé / Abstract : African Arts is a quarterly journal devoted to the plastic and graphic arts of Africa, broadly defined to encompass sculpture in wood, metal, ceramic, ivory, and stone, and less familiar work in fiber, hide, mud, and other materials. Included in the mandate are architecture, arts of personal adornment, contemporary fine and popular arts, and arts of the African diaspora. In addition the journal encourages dialogue on other forms of African expressive culture: film, theater, dance, and music.