American paintings in the Brooklyn Museum : artists born by 1876 / Teresa A. Carbone, with contributions by Barbara Dayer Gallati and Linda S. Ferber ; technical entries by Ruth E. Seidler, with contributions by Kenneth Moser, Carolyn Tomkiewicz, and Richard Kowall

Date :

Type : Livre / Book

Langue / Language : anglais / English

ISBN : 1-904832-09-1

ISBN : 1-904832-10-5

ISBN : 0-87273-153-7

ISBN : 1-904832-08-3

EAN : 9781904832089

Brooklyn museum -- New York, N.Y.

Peinture -- États-Unis -- 19e siècle


Classification Dewey : 759.1

Brooklyn museum (New York, N.Y.) (Collectivité éditrice / Issuing body )