Estudios atacameños

Date :

Editeur / Publisher : San Pedro de Atacama : Instituto de Investigaciones Arqueológicas y Museo R. P. Gustavo Le Paige s.j., Universidad del Norte , 2004-

Type : Périodique / Serial

Langue / Language : espagnol; castillan / Spanish; Castilian



Atacama (Chili)

Universidad del Norte (Chili) (Editeur scientifique / editor)

Museo arqueológico R.P. Gustavo Le Paige S.J. (San Pedro de Atacama, Chili) (Editeur scientifique / editor)

Relation : Estudios atacamen̄os / San Pedro de Atacama : Instituto de Investigaciones Arqueológicas y Museo R. P. Gustavo Le Paige s.j., Universidad del Norte , 1973-

Résumé / Abstract : Estudios Atacameños, Arqueología y Antropología Surandina, is a biannual publication focused on archaeological and anthropological research throughout the Andes. In its nearly four-decade history, Estudios Atacameños has published articles in archaeology, social anthropology, ethnohistory, and bioanthropology, focusing on all aspects of the development of human societies. Gustavo Le Paige founded Estudios Atacameños in 1973 to deal with specific questions related to the prehistory of northern Chile’s Atacameño groups. Since then, it has broadened its thematic focus significantly, gaining recognition in the field and becoming one of the major archaeological and anthropological journals engaged with the prehistory, history and contemporary societies of the south-central Andes and related areas.