American journal of agricultural economics

Date :

Type : Périodique / Serial

Langue / Language : anglais / English

Agriculture -- Aspect économique

Économie politique


Classification Dewey : 338.105

Khanna, Madhu (1960-....) (Editeur scientifique / editor)

Roe, Bian E. (Editeur scientifique / editor)

Vercammen, James (Editeur scientifique / editor)

Wu, Junjie (Editeur scientifique / editor)

Agricultural & applied economics association (Directeur de publication / publishing director)

Relation : American journal of agricultural economics / [American Agricultural Economics Association] / Cary, NC : Oxford University Press , 1968-

Résumé / Abstract : The purpose of the American Journal of Agricultural Economics is to provide a forum for creative and scholarly work in agricultural economics. Submitted manuscripts focus on the economics of natural resources and the environment, agriculture, and rural and community development. Papers are problem-oriented and demonstrate originality and innovation in analysis, methods, or application. Analyses of problems pertinent to research, extension, and teaching are included, as well as interdisciplinary research with a significant economic component. Review articles that offer a comprehensive and insightful survey of a relevant subject, consistent with the scope of the journal, are also included. All articles published are held to the same set of scholarly standards.