Environmental reviews / Conseil national de recherches (Canada)

Date :

Editeur / Publisher : Ottawa : NRC Research Press, National Research Council Canada , 1997-

Type : Périodique / Serial

Langue / Language : multilingue / Multiple languages

Sciences de l'environnement

Classification Dewey : 333.7

Conseil national de recherches (Canada) (Collectivité éditrice / Issuing body )

Relation : Environmental reviews / Ottawa : National Research Council Canada , 1993-

Résumé / Abstract : Published since 1993, this quarterly e-only journal presents authoritative literature reviews on a wide range of environmental science and associated environmental studies topics, with emphasis on the effects on and response of both natural and manmade ecosystems to anthropogenic stress. The authorship and scope are international, with critical literature reviews submitted and invited on such topics as sustainability, water supply management, climate change, harvesting impacts, acid rain, pesticide use, lake acidification, air and marine pollution, oil and gas development, biological control, food chain biomagnification, rehabilitation of polluted aquatic systems, erosion, forestry, bio-indicators of environmental stress, conservation of biodiversity, and many other environmental issues