The laws of war in international thought / Pablo Kalmanovitz,...

Date :

Type : Livre / Book

Langue / Language : anglais / English

ISBN : 978-0-19-879025-9

EAN : 9780198790259

Guerre (droit international) -- Philosophie

Collection : The History and Theory of International Law / general editors Nehal Bhuta,... Anthony Pagden,... Benjamin Straumann,... / Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2013-

Relation : The Laws of War in International Thought / Pablo Kalmanovitz / Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2017

Résumé / Abstract : La 4ème de couv. indique : "In the past few decades the understanding of the relationship between nations has undergone a radical transformation. The role of the traditional nation-state is diminishing, along with many of the traditional vocabularies which were once used to describe what has been called, ever since Jeremy Bentham coined the phrase in 1780, "international law". The older boundaries between states are growing ever more fluid, new conceptions and new languages have emerged which are slowly coming to replace the image of a world of sovereign independent nation states which has dominated the study of international relations since the early nineteenth century. The redefinition of the international arena demands a new understanding of classical and contemporary questions in international and legal theory. It is the editors' conviction that the best way to achieve this is by bridging the traditional divide between international legal theory, intellectual history, and legal and political history. The aim of the series, therefore, is to provide a forum for historical studies, from classical antiquity to the twenty-first century, that are theoretically-informed and for philosophical work that is historically conscious, in the hope that a new vision of the rapidly evolving international world, its past and its possible future, may emerge."