Life with the Esquimaux Volume 1, : The Narrative of Captain Charles Francis Hall of the Whaling Barque George Henry from the 29th May, 1860, to the 13th September, 1862 / Charles Francis Hall

Date :

Editeur / Publisher : Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2012

Type : Livre / Book

Langue / Language : anglais / English

ISBN : 978-1-13-915134-4

Catalogue Worldcat

Inuits -- Moeurs et coutumes

Découverte et exploration -- Arctique

Collection : Cambridge library collection / Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , [2010]-

Relation : Life with the Esquimaux : the narrative of Captain Charles Francis Hall of the whaling barque "George Henry" from the 29th May, 1860, to the 13th September, 1862; with the results of a long intercourse with the Innuits and full description of their mode of life, the discovery of actual relics of the expedition of Martin Frobisher of three centuries ago, and deductions in favor of yet discovering some of the survivors of Sir John Franklin's expedition / London : S. Low, son and Marston , 1864