Rhetoric and theology in Tertullian : what Tertullian learned from Paul / David E. Wilhite,...

Date :

Format : [18 p.]

Langue / Language : anglais / English

Tertullien -- 0155?-0222?

Paul -- 0005?-0067? -- saint -- Influence

Bible -- N.T. -- Épîtres -- Paul -- Galates

Rhétorique dans la Bible

Relation : Studia patristica Vol. LXV, Papers presented at the Sixteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2011 Vol. 13, The first two centuries, Apocrypha, Tertullian and rhetoric, From Tertullian to Tyconius / edited by Markus Vinzent / Leuven : Peeters , 2013