Via Appia : entlang der bedeutendsten Strasse der Antike / herausgegeben von Ivana Della Portella ; Texte von Ivana Della Portella, Giuseppina Pisani Sartorio und Francesca Ventre ; Fotos von Franco Mammana ; [Übersetzung, Andreas Thomsen]

Date :

Editeur / Publisher : Stuttgart : Theiss , 2003, cop. 2003

Type : Livre / Book

Langue / Language : allemand / German

ISBN : 3-8062-1820-X

ISBN : 978-3-8062-1820-6

Horace -- 0065-0008 av. J.-C. -- Voyages -- Italie -- Brindisi (Italie) -- Sources -- 1er siècle av. J.-C.

Horace (0065?-0008? av. J.-C.) -- Satires -- Traductions allemandes

Antiquités romaines -- Italie (sud)

Antiquités médiévales -- Italie (sud)

Monuments -- Italie -- Via Appia (Italie)

Rues -- Italie -- Rome (Italie) -- Antiquité

Voies romaines -- Italie -- Histoire

Antiquités -- Via Appia (Italie)

Géographie historique -- Via Appia (Italie)

Horace (0065-0008 av. J.-C.) (Auteur des citations ou des fragments textuels / author in quotations or text abstract)

Mammana, Franco (Photographe / photographer)

Helm, Rudolf (1872-1966) (Traducteur / translator)

Thomsen, Andreas (1962-....) (Traducteur / translator)

Résumé / Abstract : Enhanced with the breathtakingly beautiful color photography of Franco Mammana and expertly compiled, edited and oreganized by Ivana della Portella, The Appian Way : Regina Viarum (from Its Foundation To The Middle Ages) is a photographic and historical showcase of the first major artery to connect Rome to southern Italy, which became a model for all roads originating within the ancient capital. A historical survey of the road from its construction in 312 B.C. to its use centuries later by Christian pilgrims en route to Jerusalem and much more enhances the scenic images from the road itself as well as artistic illustrations expressing edifices from ancient times along this historic road. A treasure for history buffs and a joy for armchair travelers. Recension par Hans-Christian Schneider, Seminar für Alte Geschichte, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster : ; ou :