Social intelligence : the new science of human relationships / Daniel Goleman

Date :

Editeur / Publisher : New York : Bantam Books , 2006

Type : Livre / Book

Langue / Language : anglais / English

ISBN : 0-558-30352-8

ISBN : 0-553-80352-2

ISBN : 978-0-558-30352-5

ISBN : 978-0-553-80352-5

EAN : 9780553803525

Relations humaines

Intellect (philosophie) -- Société

Émotions -- Société

Classification Dewey : 158.2

Résumé / Abstract : Explores the nature of human relationships, finding that humans are "wired to connect," and bringing together the latest research in biology and neuroscience to reveal how one's daily encounters shape the brain and affect the body. "Humans have a built-in bias toward empathy, cooperation and altruism, provided we develop the social intelligence to nuture these capabilities in ourselves and others