Étude et réalisation de nouvelles fonctions en optique intégrée sur verre pour des applications astrophysiques / Frédéric Rooms ; sous la direction de Isabelle Schanen

Date :

Type : Livre / Book

Type : Thèse / Thesis

Langue / Language : français / French

Schanen Duport, Isabelle (19..-.... ; auteure en électronique) (Directeur de thèse / thesis advisor)

Institut national polytechnique (Grenoble ; 1900-....) (Organisme de soutenance / degree-grantor)

Relation : Etude et réalisation de nouvelles fonctions en optique intégrée sur verre pour des applications astrophysiques / Frédéric Rooms ; sous la direction de Isabelle Schanen / Grenoble : Atelier national de reproduction des thèses , 2003

Résumé / Abstract : In this work, we are interested in integrated optics beam combiners for astronomical uses. The study of the astronomicals system's needs and the state of the art has led us to propose a solution based on the multi-mode interference. This structure has been realized by the ion exchange in glass. The structured design is based on the use of existing tools like the beam propagation method and also the development o f new softwares adapted to the astronomical case. Various characterization methods have been developped to study the component performances. Beyond classical tools like cut-off or spectral analysis, new setups have been applied. Characterizations show that this kind of structure fulfills the need for the beam combination of four telescopes. Indeed, fringes are created and the measure of the phase closure with a laser is excellent. However, the high level losses necessitates a change of ion exchanged couple.