Algorithmes de séparation de réponses de radar secondaire de surveillance / par Nicolas Petrochilos ; sous la dir. de Pierre Comon et de Alle-Jan Van Der Veen

Date :

Editeur / Publisher : [S.l.] , 2002

Type : Livre / Book

Type : Thèse / Thesis

Langue / Language : anglais / English

Radar -- Antennes

Circulation aérienne -- Contrôle radar

Comon, Pierre (19..-.... ; informaticien) (Directeur de thèse / thesis advisor)

Veen, Alle-Jan van der (Directeur de thèse / thesis advisor)

Université de Nice (1965-2019) (Organisme de soutenance / degree-grantor)

Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis. Faculté des sciences (Organisme de soutenance / degree-grantor)

École doctorale Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication (Sophia Antipolis, Alpes-Maritimes) (Organisme de soutenance / degree-grantor)

Relation : Algorithmes de séparation de réponses de radar secondaire de surveillance / par Nicolas Petrochilos ; sous la direction de Pierre Comon et de Alle-Jan Van Der Veen / Grenoble : Atelier national de reproduction des thèses , 2002

Résumé / Abstract : Air Traffic Control (ATC) centers aim at ensuring safety of aircrafts cruising in their area. The information required to face this mission includes the data provided by primary and secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR). The first one indicates the presence of an aircraft, whereas the second gives information on its identity and altitude. All aircrafts contain a transponder, which send replies to the secondary radar in a semi-automatic mode, indeed it is on exchange. The increase of the air traffic implies that in a near future the actual SSR radar will not be able to perform correctly, and that requires to improve the quality of the SSR radar. This thesis proposes a possible improvement of the SSR. We propose to replace at reception the rotating antenna by an antenna array to gain spatial diversity, in order to perform beamforming. Given the density of the traffic, high-resolution technics are mandatory to separate the sources. This is a blind source separation problem, but unlike standardcases, the sources are sending packets (not continuous), the packets do not completely overlap (non-stationary situation), the alphabet is binary but not antipodal ({0,1} instead of {+1,-1}). And the carrier frequencies are not identical. Among the problems to solve, two main issues are the non-synchronisation of the sources, and the non-calibration of the antenna. This thesis presents new contributions to this field, including the identifiability of parameters and related Cramer-Rao bounds, and the design of receiver algorithms taking into account the specific encoding of the data (such as the MDA and the ZCMA algorithms presented herein). The performance of these algorithms is tested by extensive computer simulations as well as actual measurements; the setup of the experimental platform is also part of the thesis framework.