Kitāb al-Masālik wa al-Mamālik = = Kitâb al-Masâlik wa'l-Mamâlik : / auctore Ibn khordâdhbeh ; Accedunt experta e kitâb al-Kharâdj / auctore Kodâma ibn Djaf̕ar ; ed. and transl. by M.j. de Goeje

Date :

Editeur / Publisher : Francfurt am Main : Institute for the history of Arabic-Science , 1992

Type : Livre / Book

Langue / Language : arabe / Arabic

Langue / Language : français / French

Géographie arabe -- Sources

Goeje, Michael Johan de (1836-1909) (Editeur scientifique / editor)

Collection : Publications of the Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science [...], Islamic geography / Frankfurt, M : Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe Univ , 1992