Les groupements sportifs professionnels : aspects juridiques / Christophe Gerschel ; sous la direction de Christian Gavalda

Date :

Type : Livre / Book

Type : Thèse / Thesis

Langue / Language : français / French

Sports -- Droit -- France

Gavalda, Christian (1926-2006) (Directeur de thèse / thesis advisor)

Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (1971-....) (Organisme de soutenance / degree-grantor)

Relation : Les groupements sportifs professionnels : aspects juridiques : contribution à une nouvelle personne morale intermédiaire entre la société et l'association / Christophe Gerschel,... ; préface de Christian Gavalda,... / Paris : LGDJ , DL 1994

Relation : Les groupements sportifs professionnels : aspects juridiques : contribution à une nouvelle personne morale intermédiaire entre la société et l'association / Christophe Gerschel / Lille : Atelier national de reproduction des thèses , [1995]

Résumé / Abstract : The french professional sports are sports clubs which have a turnover of more than 2.5 mf and which distribute yearly more than 2.5 mf as salaries. They have to adopt one of the three structures provided for them by law : "association a obligations reforcees", "societe a objet sportif", "societe d'economie mixte sportive". These structures are closely studied in this thesis, as well as the financial state of the french professional groups. it is shown that these groups are reals firms, and that economic activities law is applied to them. It is also demonstrated that these groups have a commercial activity and have to be pointed out as beeing part of the trading world (wich means that commercial law has to be applied to them, even if they are associations). this doctoral thesis explains that associative structure is not able to frame firms like professional sports groups. Moreover, it is shown that it is not the place of limited companies to frame a general interest's activity. Beyond the professional sports groups' example, a new artificial person, halfway between joint stock company and association, is proposed to frame firms that have an economic activity and a social purpose : the group of social use ("groupement d'utilite sociale".)