Polynesian researches, during a residence of nearly six years in the South Sea Islands, including descriptions of the natural history and scenery of the Islands, with remarks on the history, mythology, traditions, government, arts, manners, and customs of the inhabitants / by William Ellis

Date :

Editeur / Publisher : London : Fisher, Son, & Jackson , 1829

Type : Livre / Book

Langue / Language : anglais / English

Moeurs et coutumes -- Polynésie

Polynésie -- Récits de voyages

Relation : Polynesian Researches during a Residence of Nearly Six Years in the South Sea Islands Volume 1, / William Ellis / New York : Cambridge University Press , 2014

Relation : Polynesian Researches during a Residence of Nearly Six Years in the South Sea Islands Volume 2, / William Ellis / New York : Cambridge University Press , 2014