The lives of the illustrious Netherlandish and German painters : from the first edition of the Schilder-boeck (1603-1604) : preceded by the lineage, circumstances and place of birth, life and works of Karel van Mander, painter and poet and likewise his death and burial, from the second edition of the Schilder-boeck (1616-1618) / Karel van Mander ; with an introduction and translation, edited by Hessel Miedema

Date :

Editeur / Publisher : Doornspijk : Davaco , 1994-1999

Type : Livre / Book

Langue / Language : néerlandais; flamand / Dutch; Flemish

Langue / Language : anglais / English

ISBN : 90-70288-85-0

ISBN : 90-70288-91-5

ISBN : 90-70288-92-3

ISBN : 90-70288-93-1

ISBN : 90-70288-94-X

ISBN : 90-70288-95-8

Van Mander -- Karel -- 1548-1606

Peintres -- Pays-Bas

Peintres -- Belgique

Peintres -- Allemagne

Classification Dewey : 750.92

Miedema, Hessel (1929-2019) (Editeur scientifique / editor)

Cook-Radmore, Derry (Traducteur / translator)