Minéralisations à Au-Mo-Cu de la bordure orientale du massif du Tichka dans leur cadre géologique (Haut-Atlas occidental, Maroc) / Jouhari Abdellatif ; sous la direction de Jean-Louis Tane

Date :

Type : Livre / Book

Type : Thèse / Thesis

Langue / Language : français / French

Métallogénie -- Maroc -- Haut Atlas (Maroc)

Pétrologie -- Maroc -- Haut Atlas (Maroc)

Tane, Jean-Louis (1937-.... ; géologue) (Directeur de thèse / thesis advisor)

Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble ; 1971-2015) (Organisme de soutenance / degree-grantor)

Relation : Minéralisations à Au-Mo-Cu de la bordure orientale du massif du Tichka dans leur cadre géologique (Haut-Atlas occidental, Maroc) / Jouhari Abdellatif / Villeurbanne : [CCSD] , 2012

Relation : Minéralisations à Au-Mo-Cu de la bordure orientale du massif du Tichka dans leur cadre géologique (Haut-Atlas occidental, Maroc) / Jouhari Abdellatif ; sous la direction de Jean-Louis Tane / Grenoble : Atelier national de reproduction des thèses , 1989

Résumé / Abstract : The tichka massif is one of the hercynian "granitic "plutons of morocco. It is located in the western high atlas, about 100 km south-west of marrakech.this study shows that the eastern part of this massif is characterised by five petrographic groups(granitoide to dioritic facies).the surrounding rocks are a paleozoic volcano-detritic formation these terranes have been structured and metamorphosed during the hercy- nian orogen. Three mineralysed occurences have been studied:molybdenite(ikissane area),copper(tizi n'israquen area) and especially gold(oukilal). The problem of ore genesis is studied: -molybdenum occurence has evolved in two stages;the molybdenum rich occurence is in quartz-feldspathic gangue and the poorer one in quartz only. -a vertical zonation of sulphide observed in copper occurence is related to the variation of physical and chemecal properties of ore-forming fluids. Different stages have been distinguished in the formation of the gold mineralization.the first can be characterized by the deposition of low auriferous arsenopyrite. The second is low auriferous pyrrhotite and pyrite.the third, with complexe paragenesis, has involved cu, pb,zn, te,bi andau rich fluids.